Rockford's Independent Newspaper

Your Horoscope – February 27, 2019


Taking a trip or going off on an adventure will strike you as appealing. You’ll finally manage to find the time and the means to accord yourself a well-deserved vacation, or at least a weekend getaway.


Some nuisances will pop up, which will indicate that you need to make certain changes. By attending to these things, a smile will start to return to your face. Following the status quo doesn’t always result in harmony.


You’ll need to make some compromises in order to regain harmony, both at home and at work. You’ll enjoy new accolades in the wake of several successfully concluded agreements with clients.


This week is going to revolve around work. If you’re looking for a job, an opportunity will present itself; it will be demanding but will offer attractive prospects for your future.


If you’re at all unsatisfied with your career, you’ll start making changes and will soon enough land a job in line with your ambitions. You might set your sights on becoming a boss or manager.


You’ll have some issues to work through with family. Once tensions have eased, you’ll be able to re-establish a deep connection with your family members or with your significant other.


After buying a new gadget, you’ll have a number of questions about how it works. You’ll probably have to go out of your way to get the answers you need but will be satisfied once you do.


This week, you’ll want to treat yourself to something nice. You might come into a sum of money and thereby allow yourself a few extravagances or possibly a trip.


Before getting back on the horse, a bit of rest will serve you well. You’ll benefit from leaving the house to break your routine. More openly asserting yourself will allow you to rediscover your inner peace.


You’ll be particularly susceptible to distractions this week. It might simply be a question of fatigue in which case you’ll need to get some rest. You’ll make a true masterpiece and your creativity will impress more than a few people.


At the office, you’ll find yourself inundated with paperwork that you’ll urgently need to attend to. This will motivate you to improve your organization system, which will allow you to leave work early.


Before becoming invested in a demanding task, take the time to relax and enjoy yourself. A promotion, for instance, would call for a drink. And this will be a new start for you – en route to a promising future!

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