Rockford's Independent Newspaper

Your Horoscope – May 20, 2020


This is an excellent time to start thinking more seriously about buying or selling a property. You’ll soon realize you have the means to make this dream a reality.


You’ll feel like you’re being pushed around this week. Luckily, you’ll be able to reach out to people and get things sorted. People will finally return your calls.


Your imagination will be in overdrive. You’ll start to create a masterpiece and see a show or exhibit that deeply moves you.


Your social life will be particularly busy this week. All your friends will want to spend time with you. You’ll attend a few large gatherings where there will always be someone to talk to.


You may start your own business. At the very least, you’ll take a huge step toward an executive position at your current job. Once you settle in, you may enjoy this new position until you retire.


Someone will confide in you or you’ll discover a secret. Perhaps you’ll decipher a message in another language or a cryptic comment made by your partner.


Your emotions will run high this week, but you may only cry tears of joy. One of your children will accomplish something that moves you, even if it’s something small.


Put your emotions to the side while you negotiate something important. You’ll also have to respect rules and regulations care fully to avoid problems.


You’ll have a mountain of work to do and no time to relax. Plus, you may not feel very well. You’ll need some rest before you feel like yourself again.


Your self-esteem will get a boost after you accomplish something you didn’t think was possible. This will help you uncover a new talent. Your family may impose some unnecessary stress.


You’ll spend a good part of the week at home, either painting a wall or taking care of other pressing repairs. You might make a last-minute decision to move.


You won’t keep your opinions to yourself this week. If you know something others don’t, you’ll have trouble staying quiet about it. You might let a secret slip out.

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