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Your Horoscope – November 10, 2021 – The Rock River Times

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Rockford's Independent Newspaper

Your Horoscope – November 10, 2021


You’ll have the chance to expand your social circle. In a professional setting, you’ll form new friendships with people who are fun to be around. If you’re single, love at first sight will also be possible.


You might consider going back to school. At work, you’ll be put in touch with people of various nationalities, and you’ll work well together. In your love life, a getaway will give your relation ship its second wind.


If your new love interest has a different background, you may need to make some adjustments. Avoid moving forward too quickly. A more equal distribution of tasks at home would be greatly appreciated.


Your emotions will be strong and right at the surface. This will awaken the artist within you. Your high level of precision and attention to detail will prevail, and you’ll have the guts to do things differently.


At your job, you’ll have to work out the details of a negotiation before you can reach a conclusion. When it comes to matters of the heart, don’t worry, your soulmate is just around the corner with a marriage proposal.


You’ll get a boost in self-confidence, which will allow you to aspire to a more prestigious position at work. You’ll need to make some effort in your social life, as you’ll be asked to organize an event with your friends.


You’ll find yourself increasingly popular. At work, people will hang on your every word and warmly applaud you. At home, you may need to spend some time cleaning up, even if it’s just to help clear your mind.


You have a lot of running around to do, either for work, for matters concerning your health or for a loved one. A debate is on the horizon; you’ll have to make ac curate and precise arguments before you impose your opinion on the person.


You’ll finally be able to offer yourself some financial guarantees for your future, which will take a huge weight off your shoulders. You could also develop a more specific plan for your retirement.


You’ll get a decent promotion at work, or, at the very least, you’ll set your sights on a specific goal you want to achieve. You’ll have the opportunity to get some kind of fresh start, and many people will follow in your footsteps.


You’ll need to spend some time reflecting before you put your words into action. If you’re looking for a job, you’ll gain new insight that could lead you to a wonderful career. You’ll be inspired by the people who are close to you.


After a long period of stress, you need time to rest and recharge. You’ll enjoy more passive activities that help you recuperate. A family member will need your help dealing with a chaotic situation.

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SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') AND tr.object_id IN (136924, 136930, 136933, 136940) ORDER BY t.name ASC

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