Rockford's Independent Newspaper

Your Horoscope – February 23, 2022


You may spontaneously decide to get a new job or change your course of study. You’ll have a sudden breakthrough about what you really want in life. However, getting there will take some effort.


You may secure financing for an important project. Talk to a finance professional about consolidating your debt so you can live the lifestyle you want.


Clean your home to clear your mind. Also, you should have a serious conversation with your significant other before entertaining the idea of separation. If you act impulsively, you may regret your decision.


At work, you’ll need to add a few finishing touches to a project before showing it to anyone else. This’ll help ensure you secure a good deal. Update your wardrobe and spoil yourself to celebrate your success.


You’ll enjoy hanging out with friends this week. Take the time to develop your creative talents. You’ll be proud of what you can accomplish by being confident in yourself.


You’ll meet inspiring people who expand your social circle and deepen your spirituality. You’ll take steps toward moving to a new location so you can take advantage of a great opportunity.


Be sensitive and affectionate in your relationship to avoid conflict. Good communication can diffuse tense situations. You may be confused about money.


You have a lot in store this week. If you like to travel, you may be ready for a new adventure. A simple getaway may become one of your most memorable experiences.


You have the creative inspiration to create a masterpiece. You’ll make changes to your lifestyle that are in line with your aspirations. Everything will fall into place if you let life guide you.


You’re in desperate need of some rest and relaxation. You may delve deeper into your artistic or spiritual interests. You may also volunteer to help those in your community who are less fortunate.


Your social life is in full bloom. You’ll expand your circle of friends, even if only on social media. You may sign up for a gym membership or take up a new sport with friends.


You’ll have fun and be contagiously optimistic. At work, you’ll finish your tasks more quickly so you can help others. Your efforts will be rewarded.

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