Rockford's Independent Newspaper

Your Horoscope – March 2, 2022


It’s time to tidy up at work and home. Cleaning your environment will help you clear your mind. You’ll get help from those you love.


If you can’t decide on a career, you’ll be inspired to take on a new challenge you’re passionate about. Embracing change will enrich your life.


You’ll invest in training, which will broaden your intellectual and spiritual horizons. If you have young children on spring break, you may be surprised by how much you enjoy their company.


This is an excellent week to apply for a loan or renegotiate your mortgage. At the very least, you’ll find a solution to all your financial problems without tightening your purse strings.


At work, you’ll have a record number of clients. Fortunately, each one will be more profitable than the last. If you’re single, you’ll find your soulmate at an event you attend with your friends.


Take time to think about your current projects. Make sure you negotiate terms that benefit you, and double-check the fine print. If you’re in a relationship, don’t underestimate the power of small acts of kindness.


Planning a move takes a lot of forethought. Consequently, you’ll need to do a considerable amount of legwork to get things done. You’ll be proud of the steps you take to improve your living situation.


The most important thing in life is your health. You may try a new diet that will transform your quality of life and fill you with pride. Your perseverance and commitment will pay off.


Others may be critical of you. Now is the time to confront them. It’s important to speak your mind and talk openly about what others may be too scared to admit.


You’ll finally receive the money you’ve been waiting for in the form of a refund or claim. If you’re in a relationship, your significant other will make you wait.


Don’t make rash decisions, especially when it comes to money and relationships. You’re on the verge of a new beginning, but many things are holding you back. You must learn to keep up.


You may be questioning yourself. Does your job feel stagnant? Is it time for a change? Now is the time to make room for more happiness in your life.

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