Rockford's Independent Newspaper

Your Horoscope – August 17, 2022


A few people will ask you to help them out on various occasions, forcing you to move around frequently. You’ll have a chance to spoil yourself, maybe even think about buying a new car.


By calculating your budget over and over, you’ll realize you have the means to achieve your ambitions. You’ll find the necessary funds to make one of your greatest dreams a reality. After some careful consideration, you’ll find the courage to take action.


You’ll have a tendency to be discouraged by the extent of your responsibilities. The more progress you make, the more you’ll find within yourself the makings of a winner, and then nothing will be able to stop you.


Sometimes you need to take a step back to gain more perspective on a situation. In your professional life, you’ll aspire to do something more in line with your ambitions; you must take the ladder one rung at a time.


You’ve barely finished your summer holidays when you start planning for the next one with your friends. You’ll organize a meeting at the office, and it’ll take on a phenomenal scale, bringing the whole company together.


A desire for elevation will manifest itself intellectually and spiritually. You’ll also decide to set out on a new career or a rewarding personal journey. Don’t be afraid of change.


A short period of reflection will be enough for you to make important decisions about your personal or professional future. Some negotiation will be required, and you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons before finalizing anything.


An ideal compromise isn’t always possible, especially if multiple people have differing opinions. To settle conflicts, you’ll need to use your imagination to create harmony among the people around you.


A few minor successes are enough for you to restore your self-esteem. It’ll also give you the credibility you need to promote a project close to your heart, enabling you to take action.


In your work life, you’ll set up a home office that turns out to be highly functional. After the planning stage, your leadership will awaken, and you’ll masterfully grow your business with your own hands.


Love may occupy your thoughts permanently. Through subtle gestures, gentle signs of affection and words of love, you’ll be able to convey the extent of your feelings for your significant other.


The idea of selling or buying property will cross your mind, or you’ll find a way to live at a lower cost and improve the quality of life for your entire family. You’ll get your hands on an attractive sum.

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