Rockford's Independent Newspaper

Burpee Museum Celebrates National Fossil Day

From Burpee Museum

ROCKFORD – Celebrate National Fossil Day with Burpee Museum this Saturday, October 15th, at Rockford’s most fossil packed location! The museum will be full of one-day-only activities for adults and children alike from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Burpee Museum is hosting sessions on fossil preparation, PaleoArt classes, multiple booths packed with special items that will be only displayed this day, aquatic and land animal fossils from the Eocene period, and paleo art! Local fossil enthusiasts will bring their very own collections to share with you. Do you have a special fossil you found? Bring it to Burpee for an expert identification!

Workshops will be available in PaleoArt – a critical combination of art and science – where you can use reasoned speculation to make decisions when drawing extinct life based on scientific evidence shared in the class, and The Great Fossil Lakes, where you can learn about lakes from 55 million years ago and craft your own Fossil Lake in a jar!

‘Piece together a dynamic and ever-changing community of life on Earth’

“National Fossil Day is a celebration of the world’s fossil heritage, from the smallest microfossils to the largest of the dinosaurs, highlighting scientific achievements in the field of paleontology that has allowed us to piece together a dynamic and ever-changing community of life on Earth through time”, said Josh Mathews, Director of Paleontology.

Special Opportunity: Guests can experience a special sneak peek into our collections and the Jay and Barbara Paleo Laboratory with paleontologists to see the behind-the-scenes action of fossil care through Paleo Lab Tours.

‘An incredible fossil collection that is rarely seen by the general public’

“Burpee Museum has an incredible fossil collection that is rarely seen by the general public. National Fossil Day gives us the opportunity to bring some of these fossils, including Jane’s real skull, to show kids and families specimens that don’t make it on to the exhibit floor, that however play an important role in the scientific community”, said Josh Mathews.

National Fossil Day was established by the National Park Service, museums, science institutions, and organizations around the country to dedicate a day to highlight fossils through educational events and to show the importance of preserving fossil resources for future generations.

To learn more information and to sign up for tours and workshops, visit

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