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Your Horoscope – July 12, 2023 – The Rock River Times

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Rockford's Independent Newspaper

Your Horoscope – July 12, 2023


You’ll go on a spontaneous adventure to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You’ll go shopping and spoil yourself. You could win some money or discover a forgotten bill in your pocket.


Take the time to rest before setting off on a new adventure. You need to let go and let life guide you; it’ll carry you where you need to go. Your artistic side will shine through, inspiring you to create a masterpiece.


You’ll be in a serious mood. While on vacation, you’ll feel pressured to keep in touch with work or make big plans instead of having fun and living in the moment. Someone close to you may need your help.


Summer is flying by! There are already less than 10 weekends before fall. You must stay organized to enjoy everything you have planned. Your close friends will include you in outings so you can make unforgettable memories and enjoy the good times.


You don’t have enough time for all the ideas running through your head. You’ll spontaneously plan a trip to leave immediately and another one for later this year. You’ll start dreaming up some important personal and professional projects.


Even if you’re not on vacation, you’ll allow yourself to indulge a little. At the very least, you’ll make time to relax and recharge in nature. Enjoy your holiday instead of worrying about work to help you rediscover the joy in life.


Your emotions may overwhelm you this week. In your love life, you’ll notice immediately if the other person isn’t sincere about their feelings. Your physical health is closely linked to your emotional state; find a balance to ease your mind.


Work won’t slow down, even in the middle of summer. You’ll have the wherewithal to discover new opportunities, sign lucrative contracts or establish new partnerships. However, be sure to make time for love and family.


Even if you’re off work, you’ll keep in touch by taking your laptop outside. You could also cut your vacation short because of a problem at work. You’ll be extremely invested in your job, much to the delight of your boss.


Your heart is full of passion. You’ll have a strong desire to attract attention if you’re single or change things up in your current relationship. Home is the perfect place to rest and recharge your batteries.


You won’t be able to stop looking at work emails and getting tasks done even when you’ve promised yourself you’d rest and completely unplug during your vacation. You won’t be able to switch off your phone.


Even if you’re planning a relaxing holiday, you may choose a destination that won’t allow you to slow down. You’ll have the opportunity to fully express your thoughts and feelings during long talks in the evenings.

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SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') AND tr.object_id IN (136924, 136930, 136933, 136940) ORDER BY t.name ASC

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