Rockford Public Library’s Summer Reading Club kicks off June 1
Staff Report
ROCKFORD – The Rockford Public Library’s Summer Reading Challenge for children, teens, and adults will begin June 1 at all branches.
The 2020 Summer Reading Challenge, “Digging Deeper!” will run through August 31.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no live celebrations kicking off the event, however, library officials say it is easy for readers to track their progress and win prizes from home by visiting or by using the new Rockford Public Library app.
“Research shows that summer reading programs like RPL’s Summer Reading Challenge 2020 can help children minimize and even overcome the lapse in literary progress that regularly occurs during breaks from school being in session,” RPL Youth Services Librarian Emily Klonicki said. “Because this year, kids in Rockford have been out of the classroom for so long, we believe it is more important than ever that they participate in this fun and engaging reading program.”
Prizes, including t-shirts, will be given to all who complete the challenge. Registration is open any time after June 1.